The first public park

Bowling Green  • 
We meet between the fenced Bowling Green park and the entrance to the Museum of American Indian (old U.S. Customs House)

The oldest church in Manhattan

St Paul Chapel  • 
Since Trinity church was in ruins after a fire the founding fathers, all three branches of the freshly minted government, went here on Sundays.

The richest church

Trinity Church and Cemetery  • 
Trinity still owns a lot of Manhattan land. They got it for cheap or for free 300 years ago, guess how much more expensive it's now?

The government start

Federal Hall  • 
This is it. American government was birthed here. Or at least made first shy steps with the Washington inauguration and the two first sessions of Congress.

The palisades

Wall Street  • 
This was the northern edge of New Amsterdam and yes there was a wall here, or Palisades, or a fence, or.. was there anything we would call a wall?

Manhattan grid, the old way

Dutch city grid  • 
It's easy to get lost in the oldest part of town where streets are a european medieval maze.

The Royal toponym

Hanover Square  • 
After the Revolution even the Duke street was renamed (to Stone street) but not the Hanover square so named in honor of George II? Hmmmm

The oldest looking street

Stone Street  • 
It's easy to imagine yourself 200 years back when on Stone street

Archeology in urban jungle

Dutch State House and Loveless Tavern  • 
Don't look up, look down and you will see the remains of XVII century New York

The Washington hang

Fraunces Tavern  • 
The favorite spot for Sons of Liberty and George Washington who ordered food delivery from here during the Revolutionary War

Where in Dutch New York are we?

New Amsterdam map  • 
This sculpture of the famous 1660 New Amsterdam map will help us situate ourselves in the colonial city.

Old fortifications

Battery wall  • 
Inside the American fort there is a fragment of the old English wall that gave the name to the area and the park.

Columbus 2.0

Verrazzano Statue  • 
The first european explorer to enter modern day New York harbour.

The sale of Manhattan

Netherlands Monument  • 
60 guilders or 24 dollars? Or maybe much more? Or maybe nothing? How much was Manhattan really?

Ancient Cannon

Old Cannon  • 
The oldest european artifact on Manhattan streets

Starting point

The first public park in New York. We meet between the park and the entrance to the museum of American Indian (Old Customs House).